Cheltenham Dowsers is affiliated with the British Society of Dowsers. Our focus is on the core dowsing applications: Archaeology, Earth Energies, Health and Well-Being, Water.
But within these, we also explore related areas such as divination, geomancy, geopathic and technopathic stress, electromagnetic fields, psychometry, radiesthesia, radionics, sacred geometry etc.
We are an active and social group and new members and guests are welcome, whether experienced dowsers, beginners, or those who are just plain curious! For details, please see the Meetings and Join Us pages.
We meet at The Exmouth Arms, 167 Bath Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7LX from 7:30 to 10:00pm.
See the latest news on upcoming guest speakers and field trips on the Events page.
For more information please call Ken Sheather on 01242 231231. Or email us at [email protected]
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift." Einstein